1. Answer the following questions. 
(i) What is a novel?
(ii) What is Fielding's concept of novel?
(iii) Write the names of four novels of Fielding.
(iv) What factors influenced Fielding in his conception and composition of 'Joseph Andrews'?
(v) What is the purpose of the Author's Preface in 'Joseph Andrews'?
(vi) How is the novel 'Joseph Andrews' related to 'Pamela'?
(vii) Define digression.
(viii) What is the purpose of digression in 'Joseph Andrews'?
(ix) Define the narrator?
(x) Define burlesque.
(xi) What is bildungsroman?
(xii) What is important about the plot of the novel 'Joseph Andrews'?
(xiii) What are the major themes of 'Joseph Andrews'?
(xiv) According to Fielding, what are the proper roles of clergy?
(xv) What is the significance of the letter from Joseph to his sister?
2. Answer the following questions. 
(i) What is the physical appearance of Joseph Andrews?
(ii) Who is Abraham Adams?
(iii) Who is Parson Trulliber? Describe his personality.
(iv) Who is Peter Pounce?
(v) Describe the personality and role of Fanny in your own words.
(vi) Who is Parson Barnabas? What type of role does he play?
(vii) Who are Sir Thomas Booby and Lady Booby?
(viii) Why was Parson impressed by Joseph?
(ix) Who is Mrs. Slipslop?
(x) What does Mrs. Slipslop tell Lady Booby about Joseph Andrews?
(xi) What advice Mr. Adams gives to Fanny and Joseph?
(xii) Who are Gaffar and Gammar Andrews?
(xiii) Who are the Wilsons?
(xiv) Who are Mr. and Mrs. Tow-wouse?
(xv) Leonora chooses Bellarmine and leaves Horatio. Why?
3. Henry Fielding As the Father of English Novel 
4. Major Themes in 'Joseph Andrews'
5. 'Joseph Andrews' As a Picaresque Novel
6. Fielding's Art of Characterization in 'Joseph Andrews'
7. Character Sketch of Joseph Andrews
8. Character Sketch of Parson Adam
9. Answer the following questions.
(i) Write the names of four novels of Jane Austen.
(ii) What was the original title for the novel 'Pride and Prejudice'.
(iii) Write the first line of the novel 'Pride and Prejudice'.
(vi) Why is Elizabeth so anxious to distrust Mr. Darcy at the start of the novel?
(v) Why does Elizabeth refuse to marry Collins?
(vi) How Elizabeth was ignorant of Wickham's character?
(vii) Why was Elizabeth upset at her meeting with Darcy at Permberley House?
(viii) Why is Darcy intrigued and attracted by Elizabeth?
(xi) Why does Darcy's proposal make Elizabeth angry?
(x) How do Elizabeth Bennet's ideas on marriage differ from her society's?
(xi) Write a note on Georgina.
(xii) In which ways is Elizabeth different from the rest of the Bennet family?
(xiii) How has Meryton community been described in 'Pride and Prejudice'?
(xiv) How did Wickham agree to marry Lydia?
(xv) Why does Lydia risk by eloping with Wickham?
10. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Why does Darcy take Bingley to London?
(ii) Why does not Lady Catherine like Darcy's marriage with Elizabeth?
(iii) Why Mrs. Bennet is eager to marry one of her daughters to Collins?
(iv) Who is Marry Bennet?
(v) How Mr. Collins is abject puppet of Lady Catherine?
(vi) What did Mr. Bennet write to Mr. Collins intimating him about Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage?
(vii) Describe the personality of Mr. Long as viewed by Mrs. Bennet?
(viii) What was the motive of Lady Catherine's journey to Longboune?
(ix) Describe the personality of Mr. Collins.
(x) Who is Kitty? What is her attitude towards others?
(xi) What is the role of Charlotte Lucas?
(xii) What kid of a young man is Mr. Bingley?
(xiii) What is Mr. Collins' motive for visiting the Bennet family?
(xiv) How does Wickham differ from Collins in his self estimation?
(xv) Who is Jane Bennet?
11. Theme of Love and Marriage in 'Pride and Prejudice'
12. Irony in 'Pride and Prejudice'
13. Character of Elizabeth Bennet
14. Male Characters in 'Pride and Prejudice'
15. Jane Austen's Limited Range
16. Plot of 'Pride and Prejudice'
17. Answer the following questions. 
(i) What were the conditions in France that led to the revolution?
(ii) What is Dickens' attitude towards the French Revolution?
(iii) Interpret 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'.
(iv) What is Bastille? What is its significance?
(v) Why the Bastille was attacked by the mob?
(vi) What is the sifnificance of Hotel De Ville?
(vii) Write a short note on Tellson's Bank.
(viii) What does the red wine symbolize in 'A Tale of Two Cities'?
(ix) What is the people's reaction to the broken wine cask?
(x) How is 'honour' defined in 'A Tale of Two Cities'?
(xi) Who is Madam Defarge?
(xii) What is the significance of Madame Defarge pinning a rose in her hair?
(xiii) Why is Madame Defarge so merciless towards Charles and his family?
(xiv) How and by whom Madame Defarge was killed?
(xv) What is the slogan of the revolutionaries in "A Tale of Two Cities"?
18. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Introduce Mr. Lorry briefly.
(ii) Why does Lorry meet Miss Manette at Dover?
(iii) Describe Mr. Jarvis Lorry's dress and physical appearance.
(iv) Why have Mr. Lorry and Miss Manette come to Defarge's wine shop?
(v) Why does Mr. Lorry go most Sundays? Why?
(vi) Why is Mr. Lorry going to France? What is his mission?
(vii) Who is Dr. Manette?
(viii) Why Dr. Manette was put in prison?
(ix) Who is Vengence in 'A Tale of Two Cities'?
(x) Who is Miss Pross?
(xi) What is the purpose of La Guiilotine?
(xii) What behaviour of Mrs. Cruncher makes Mr. Cruncher angry? Why does this anger him?
(xiii) What is Marquis's philosophy of keeping the common people under control?
(xiv) Why does Dickens describe Stryver as 'the lion' and Carton as 'the jackal'?
(xv) How heroic is Sydney Carton's death?
19. Autobiographical Elements in 'A Tale of Two Cities'
20. Symbolism in 'A Tale of Two Cities'
21. Theme of Death and Resurrection in 'A Tale of Two Cities'
22. Character of Sydney Carton
23. Dickens' Narrative Technique and Style in 'A Tale of Two Cities'
24. 'A Tale of Two Cities' As a Social Novel in Political Background
25. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Write the names of four novels of George Eliot.
(ii) What does the Floss symbolize in 'The Mill on the Floss'?
(iii) What purpose does animal imagery serve in 'The Mill on the Floss'?
(iv) What is the symbolic importance of music in 'The Mill on the Floss'?
(v) What are George Eliot's views on education?
(vi) What are the major themes of 'The Mill on the Floss'?
(vii) Interpret 'The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history'.
(viii) Interpret 'I desire no future that will break the ties of the past'.
(ix) Who is Maggie Tulliver?
(x) What sort of commitments does Maggie feel she has broken when she elopes with Stephen?
(xi) What is the significance of Maggie's sewing?
(xii) What is the significance of Maggie's encounter with gypsies when she runs away?
(xiii) What are Maggie's intentions towards the gypsies?
(xiv) What role does the town of St. Ogg's perform in hastening Maggie's tragedy?
(xv) Who is Tom Tulliver?
26. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Why does Tom succeed where Mr. Tulliver fails?
(ii) What steps does Tom take to retrieve his family's fortune?
(iii) What does Tom promise his dying father?
(iv) Why does Tom break off his friendship with Bob Jakin?
(v) How do Tom and Maggie die?
(vi) What kind of education does Mr. Tulliver want for his son?
(vii) What was the cause of Mr. Tulliver's death?
(viii) Who is Elizabeth Tulliver?
(ix) Who is Jeremy Tulliver?
(x) Who is Bob Jakin?
(xi) Who is Philip Waken?
(xii) Why does Lucy understand and forgive Maggie?
(xiii) Describe the physical features and personality of Mr. Moss.
(xiv) Describe the personality of Mr. Glegg.
(xv) Who is Stephen Guest?
27. George Eliot As a Novelist
28. Autobiographical Elements in 'The Mill on the Floss' 
29. Significance of the River Floss
30. Ending of 'The Mill on the Floss'
31. Eliot's Art of Characterization
32. Character Sketch of Maggie Tulliver
33. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Why has Hardy divided 'Tess of the d'Urbevilles' in 'Phases'?
(ii) What is the setting of the novel 'Tess of the d'Urbevilles'?
(iii) In which village the novel 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' starts? 
(iv) What are the major symbols in 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'? 
(v) What are the major themes of 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'? 
(vi) What is foreshadowing? 
(vii) What is the significance of the legend of the d'Urberville Coach? 
(viii) Why did contemporary critics think that 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' was 'immoral'? 
(ix) What defect marks the social life of the people in and around Trantridge? 
(x) What does Hardy mean when he says that Angel's fastidious love could 'guard the loved one against his very self'? 
(xi) Who is Tess? 
(xii) Why is it difficult for Tess to reject Alec outright when he asks her to become his mistress? 
(xiii) Who causes more destruction to Tess, Alec or Angel? Why? 
(xiv) Why does Tess decide to leave Marlott? 
(xv) What does Stonehenge figure in Tess' end? What do you think it represents? 
34. Answer the following questions. 
(i) Name the places in which Tess resides.
(ii) What is the tragic flaw in Tess' character?
(iii) What is Tess' opinion of herself as a woman as compared to the other milkmaids?
(iv) What, finally, is to blame for Tess' tragedy?
(v) Write the names of Tess' family members.
(vi) Who is Angel Calre?
(vii) What happens at the first meeting between Tess and Angel?
(viii) How are Izzy, Retty and Marian significant to Tess and Angel?
(ix) What are Angel Calre's strengths?
(x) How does Angel react to Tess' confession?
(xi) Why is Angel unable to forgive Tess?
(xii)  Describe the appearance of Jack Durbyfield in your own words.
(xiii) Describe the birth and death of Sorrow.
(xiv) Who is Joan Durbyfield?
(xv) Who is Simon Stoke-d'Urberville?
35. Role of Fate and Chance in 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
36. Role of Landscape in 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
37. Plot of 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
38. Tess As a Pure Woman
39.  Character Sketch of Alec
40. Salient Features of Victorian Novel